black labrador retriever with a chuck it ball

Whether you’re looking for the best chews for your dog, or an in person trainer more local to you, you can find it below!


a black merle Mudi laying on grass in the sun with a leash


Soda Pup Toys

Durable chew toys, lick mats, and slow feeder bowls. Use code: RAYTHEDOGTRAINER to get 10% off


Dogwise Publishing offers tons of great books and DVDS on dog training and behavior.

Outward Hound Puzzle Toys

These puzzle toys come in various levels of difficulty and help to keep your dog busy.

West Paw Toys

West Paw has some fantastic chew toys that you can put edible chews in, or fill with kibble, peanut butter, yogurt, or pumpkin!

Best Bully Sticks

Bully sticks are a fully digestible chew that many dogs love. Various lengths and thickness determine how long they’ll last for your dog to chew on.

*Some of these links are affiliate links, meaning, if you buy a product you will not be charged more, but a percentage of your purchase will be paid to me. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Ziwi Peak

This air-dried dog food makes for a perfect higher value training treat. It doesn’t crumble or get mushy like a lot of treats can, and it’s what I use all the time for my personal dogs.

Original Kong Toy

The ultimate chew toy that has been around for over 20 years! Your dog can chew on it by itself or you can stuff it with a variety of treats or food. It also comes in an “extreme” variety which is even more durable.